The Feast of the Dead
Samhain 2010
Sunday November 7th
River Grove Picnic Area
Doors open: 2:00 pm
Rite at 4:30
(Remember to set back your clocks one hour overnight on Saturday!)
The wheel turns again, and the Grove gathers to keep the feast of Samhain. We meet to honor the Mighty and Beloved Dead – the bloodlines that give us life, the famed folk who inspire us, and the ancient ones from whom we hope to learn the Old Ways. We will build the Ancestor Altar, and make the offerings as we do each year in this season. The rite will honor the god Donn, the Antlered Lord of the House of the Dead; with him we honor the Morrigan, the Chooser of the Slain, the Prophetess and Sorceress. With their aid we will open the gates, that our Honored Dead may join us in their worship.
• Bring photos or totems for the Ancestor Altar – all are welcome to bring a commemoration. We will have a small shrine for Isaac connected with it.
• Each year we read the Roll of the Dead – a list of the year’s famous Dead, along with those of our family and friends we wish to honor. Find John H at the evnt and give him your names.
Of course we will have our usual pot-luck feast. Remember, pot luck means if you don’t bring food, there won’t be as much to eat : ). Bring a dish for yourself and a half-dozen others if you can.
There will be a skull piñata for the kids, drumming and general carrying-on after the rite.
Come join us and revel for, and with, the Dead.